材料 |金,银,钻石,宝石
Media | Gold, Silver,Diamond,Gem Stones
Media | Gold, Silver,Diamond,Gem Stones
定制须知| 婚戒定制周期至少为两个月,我们需要通过电话的方式共同讨论创作,因为它是独一无二的,所以需要您的耐心等待。
Customization Information | The order period is at least two months. So please contact in advance. Besides, we need to discuss the design together by the phone.Because it is unique, it requires your kindly patience.
About the Price|In the current case of wedding ring, the complete cost is between RMB 12,000 and RMB 25,000 per pair. The specific price can only be obtained after the final design. A deposit of RMB 5,000 is required before starting of the design, considering that once the design is given, it is irrevocableand reproducible, the deposit will not be refund.
Unique piece
︎ 咨询 Imformation
Customization Information | The order period is at least two months. So please contact in advance. Besides, we need to discuss the design together by the phone.Because it is unique, it requires your kindly patience.
About the Price|In the current case of wedding ring, the complete cost is between RMB 12,000 and RMB 25,000 per pair. The specific price can only be obtained after the final design. A deposit of RMB 5,000 is required before starting of the design, considering that once the design is given, it is irrevocableand reproducible, the deposit will not be refund.
Unique piece
︎ 咨询 Imformation